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zwei große Einmachgläser eins mit Baumwolltuch zwei Flaschen mit Kombucha Apfelstücken auf Tisch


Healthy acids produced during fermentation

We explain why acetic acid and co. can be good for the body

Various health-promoting substances are produced during the fermentation of kombucha. From B vitamins, vital yeasts, organic acids and probiotic lactic acid bacteria to a wide variety of enzymes.

The work of the Kombucha culture is really remarkable and can hardly be surpassed in its variety of metabolic products. The positive effect of kombucha is not just broken down into the individual components. Because the harmonious interplay of all components and their interactions make Kombucha a special drink. Among these components are some acids, which have been scientifically proven to have a health-promoting effect on the human organism . Today I would like to introduce you to a few of the important acids found in Kombucha.

two bottles two glasses with kombucha Holbrett flower decoration

amino acids

After water, proteins are the most common substance in the human body. Proteins are made up of amino acids. They are essential for building muscles, skin and hair . They are also a building block of the immune system and necessary for the production of hormones and enzymes. They fulfill a wide variety of transport functions in the blood and are even carriers of genetic information.

succinic acid

In the human organism, succinic acid is produced naturally as a breakdown product of glucose metabolism and the urea cycle . It keeps the body's acids in balance.

acetic acid

Acetic acid in kombucha not only stimulates the human metabolism, but also has a positive effect on many unhealthy bacteria and fungi. They don't like acid at all. It can also help with detoxification.

folic acid

Folic acid is an essential B vitamin and plays an extremely important role in the body. It helps to build and regenerate a wide variety of cells and is required by all body cells for the production and repair of DNA . The body cannot produce folic acid itself and relies on it being supplied regularly.

Close-up top view Kombucha drink lemon slices herbs flowers

glucuronic acid

The glucuronic acid found in kombucha is produced when sugar is oxidized. Glucuronic acid is produced naturally in our liver and is responsible for the elimination of toxins. It has a very important detoxification function . Gluconic acid is formed in addition to glucuronic acid. Both are very similar in structure. The gluconic acid primarily promotes the glandular system and the metabolism .

All functions of glucuronic acid at a glance:

  • supports the liver in binding the body's own metabolic toxins and removing them from the body
  • also binds exogenous environmental toxins and flushes them out through the urine and intestines
  • is a building block of various polysaccharides, such as hyaluronic acid

Thanks to the glucuronic acid, kombucha can help you detoxify and especially help with a little hangover.

Warm light glasses with kombucha ginger roots wooden board lemon slices

Right-turning lactic acid

Just like succinic acid and glucuronic acid, dextrorotatory lactic acid is also a natural component of the human organism, but only in the active dextrorotatory L-form. The left-handed D-lactic acid, on the other hand, puts a strain on the human body. A lack of dextrorotatory lactic acid bacteria can, among other things, lead to a weakening of cell respiration.

The dextrorotatory lactic acid bacteria are often completely absent in the tissue of cancer patients. The intestinal flora is also positively influenced by this lactic acid. The bacteria colonize the lower and middle sections of the small intestine and slightly acidify the environment in the intestine. This makes it harder for pathogens to spread.

usnic acid

The usnic acid present in kombucha has an antimicrobial effect and can speed up the healing of skin infections .

Danke für's Lesen!

Thank you for reading! You can find more of my articles from A, like Non-Alcoholic Kombucha Cocktails, to Z, like Lemon-Ginger Kombucha, on our KOMBUCHERY Blog. Let's learn more about kombucha together!
Merle by Kombuchery

Hinweis: Dieser Artikel ist ausschließlich für Informationszwecke bestimmt und nicht als professionelle Analyse, Beratung oder medizinische Auskunft zu verstehen, sondern enthält die persönliche Meinung des Autors, basierend auf recherchierter Fachliteratur und eigener Erfahrung zum Thema.


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